1. Trial Period Full Refund: If you are within the trial period of StudoX and decide to cancel your subscription, you are eligible for a full refund, provided you have not used the service beyond the trial limits.
2. Subscription Refund Monthly Plans: If you cancel your monthly subscription before the end of the billing cycle, you will not receive a refund for the unused portion of the current month. Annual Plans: For annual subscriptions, if you cancel before the end of the year, you are not entitled to a refund for the remaining months. Refunds for the upfront payment of an annual plan are generally not provided.
3. Exception Cases Billing Errors: In cases of billing errors or exceptional circumstances, refunds may be considered. Please contact our support team to discuss any specific issues or requests.
4. Contact Information To request a refund or discuss billing issues, please reach out to our customer support team at support@studox.com.
5. Policy Updates This refund policy is subject to change. Please refer to our official website or contact customer support for the most current information.